Tuesday 5 February 2013

The Camera and Magnetic Poetry

Today I decided to do one of my favourite writing activities. I call it 'magnetic poetry'. Do you remember those magnetic poetry kits you could buy for your refrigerator? I remember fondly writing very creative verses on my dormitory fridge in university. Anyways, my 'magnetic poetry' lesson is a play on this.

On a piece of paper I have a chart that contains a number of simple sentence starters. Students use these and the blank pages included to create a few sentences on their desk. This allows for the students who struggle with putting pen to paper an easier way to get their ideas down.
I gave students a chart full of different sentence starters and connecting words that they are familiar with. Then I encouraged them to 'write' three interesting sentences. Once they were happy they read them to a friend and took a photo with the camera app. Once the photo was taken they emailed it to their Evernote account.

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